The Moon is the largest and brightest object in our night sky and has enchanted and.
"The #PinkMoon looks epic tonight on the eve before Passover," Twitter user "A very spiritual feel out there as Easter approaches! #MotherNature at her best." Complete list of every full moon in 2017 including Aprils Pink Moon. The term ‘Pink’ comes from the moss pink. On social media, many posted pictures of the not-so-pink Pink Moon. Now, this April full moon will rise next week on April 11, 2017. In addition to the Pink Moon, the first full moon in April is also called the Egg Moon, Fish Moon and Sprouting Grass Moon, reported. According to, the name likely comes from a Native American tradition. ABOUT PINK MOON (TEMPRANILLO) PRONUNCIATION: kab-er-nay fronk HISTORY: Cabernet Franc is the parent grape of both Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. While many may be hoping to see a light pink moon, the first full moon in April is called a "pink moon" because it's when a spring flower called moss pink or phlox typically blooms, according to the Farmer's Almanac, reported. ET Tuesday and will be visible to stargazers until April 12. The Meaning of the Pink Full Moon April 2017 Posted on by EraOfLight Leave a reply Are you ready for the Pink Full Moon in April Full moons tend to fill me with a sense of dread but they shouldn’t They are really quite positive and wonderful things and can and often do change your life. The best time for this lunar event to be enjoyed by sky-gazers is in the middle of the night. However, if staying up into the early hours isn't your thing, you’ll be able to see gorgeous views of the full moon anytime. Pink moon or April's full moon will decorate the skies on April 11, 2017. The Pink Moon, which isn't actually pink, reached full peak at 2:08 a.m. The moon is set to reach peak fullness at 2:08 a.m. If staying up into the wee hours of the morning to see the Pink Moon wasn't appealing to you, there's still a chance to see the moon Tuesday and early Wednesday. In a society where heterosexuals are persecuted and abortion is forbidden, two teens are forced to hide an unintended pregnancy before their secret romance is exposed. Watch Video: You can still see the Pink Moon With Brandon Tyler Harris, Cole Johnston, Adam Jepsen, Sandy York.